Photo Albums

Scroll down this page and view pictures from previous reunions, with the most current reunion (60th) first.
If you want to save a copy of any of the photos, follow instructions below:

  • Find the photo you want to copy then click on it and it will bring up a larger version
  • Highlight the description/name below the picture and hit CTRL +C which will copy the information
  • Right-click on the picture and select "Save Picture As..." which will open a dialog box which looks like file explore
  • Highlight whatever is in the File Name Box and type your description/name or hit CTRL + V to paste the description/name you copied
  • Choose your destination folder, then click save
Special Note
  • All classmate names include First Name, Ladies Maiden Name and Last Name
  • All Guest names are in [brackets]
  • In a few situations if the name was not identified, it says Unknown. If you know who this person is, please let us know and we will change the status.

Our ORP's (Official Reunion Photographers) this year were Diana Buckingham, Carol Murray and Janet London.  Other people, who have photos or videos to contribute, please contact Diana Buckingham at (607) 257-3638 or email to

We wish to thank all the photographers for recording the reunion in such great detail.
So on with the show…

#62/80th Birthday Party (2024) Sunday / Stewart Park
#62/80th Birthday Party (2024) Sunday / Stewart Park
Memorial bench dedicated for Darlene Lynch Klein
Plaque  on the the memorial bench dedicated for Darlene Lynch Klein
Sharon Leonardo Johnson and Carol Burger Murray
Carol Burger Murray
William Hickson and Hap Gray
Judy Monroe Dean
#61/80th Birthday Party (2024) Saturday/Nate's Floral Estate Clubhouse
#61/80th Birthday Party (2024) Saturday/Nate's Floral Estate Clubhouse
IHS Class of 1962 - 80th Birthday Party, July 20, 2024 - Nates floral Estate
Janet London & Carol Burger Murray
#60/60th Reunion (2022)/Sunday/Stewart Park
#59/60th Reunion (2022)/Saturday/Gola Osteria
#58/60th Reunion (2022)/Friday/Moakley House
#57/55th Reunion (2017)/ Monday/Gola Osteria
#56/55th Reunion (2017/Sunday/Rita's Bench Dedication
#55/55th Reunion (2017)/Sunday/Stewart Park
#54/55th Reunion (2017) Saturday/Moakley House
#01/50th Reunion (2012)/Friday/ Registration at Valentine Cafe
#02/50th Reunion (2012)/Friday/ Formal Mugshots
#03/50th Reunion (2012)/Friday/ Party on the Patio
#04/50th Reunion (2012)/Saturday/ Class of '62 Golf Classic
#05/50th Reunion (2012)/Saturday/ Country Club of Ithaca (CCI)
#06/50th Reunion (2012)/Saturday/ CCI-Elementary School Match-Up
Belle Sherman Elementary School : John Novarr, Bob Garmise, Dick Dropkin, Roger Howe, Bob Fabbricatore, Steve Keast, Diane Bower, Pat OBrien, Ron Schmal, Candy Davies, David Smith, Maryanne Farnsworth, David Daly, Mia Boynton, Tom Lattin
Cayuga Heights Elementary School : David Hancock, Elizabeth Long, Katie Hendrick, Rita Riley, Lynn Fulkerson, Pat George, Carol Burger, Candy Davies, Marilyn, Meade, Jeff Nulle, Charlie Wilson, Suzanne Janas, Bob Singer, Judy Bonney, Anne Powell, Emily Ad
Central Elementary School : Richard Park, Beverly Riggs, Bob June, Donna Deeley, Bobbi Fales, Diana Derr, Delores Mapes, Mary Ainsworth, Fred Schnitzer, Delores Green
Danby Elementary School : Sandy Miller, Loxie Oltz, Daisy Boda, Irv Seely
East Hill Elementary School : Priscilla Crispell, June Shipos, Kim Whetzel, Gerda Stroka, Chuck Klaer, Eric Lyon, Suzanne Long, Lizzy Evett, Laszlo Sziklay, Eric Greisen, David Daly
Fall Creek Elementary School : Linda Waters, Bill Hickson, Cecelia Sullivan, John Hagin, Pam Jamarusty, Jack Shelton, Tom Roskelly, Marjorie Hagin, Sherri Hranek, Harriet Payne, Tom Wood
Henry Saint John Elementary School : Denny Sheheen, Hap Gray, Connie Magnus, Karen Brewster, Connie Sheldrake, Judy Monroe, Darlene Lynch, Bob Payne, Sally York, Adrienne Carlyon, Mary Ainsworth, Fred Baumann, Sharon Leonardo, Dick Kaupp
Immaculate Conception Elementary School : Ed Churey, Tim Rogers, Bob Wood, Miklos Lorand, Patty Jones, Al Capagrossi, Gary Foote, Pat Mulcahy, Kathryn Morrow
Inlet Valley : John Wilcox, Gary Iloff
One Room Elementary Schools - Shirley Mente, Miklos Lorand, Ann Whittaker, Nelson Terwilliger (Harvey Hill School in Enfield), JoAnn Porter, Linda Clark, Emmy Adler, Cindy Martindale
South Hill Elementary School : Nancy Terwilliger, Herb Marsden, Pat Smith, Helen Saunders, Susan Allen, Karen Brewster, Tom McCarthy
West Hill Elementary School : Kathryn Inman, Ellen McFall, Dick Hull, Elsie White, Rick Gravelding, Margery Vaughan, Barb Bartholf, Bobbi Fales, Maggie Evans, Mary Evans
#07/50th Reunion (2012)/Saturday/ Dancing in the Dark
#08/50th Reunion (2012)/Saturday/ Dancing the Night Away
#09/50th Reunion (2012)/Sunday/ Stewart Park
#10/50th Reunion (2012)/ Reunion Committee Members
#11/45th Reunion (2007)/Friday #1/ The Grand Entrance and Registration
#12/45th Reunion (2007)/Friday #2/ The In Crowd
#13/45th Reunion (2007)/Friday #3/ The Inside-Outside Crowd
#14/45th Reunion (2007)/Friday #4/ The Out Crowd
#15/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #1/ Registration and the Great Outdoors
#16/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #2/ Under the Big Top
#17/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #3/ Five Minutes of Speeches Followed by an Hour of Dinner
#18/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #4/ In the Club
#19/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #5/ Still in the Club
#20/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #6/ The Band Played and the People Danced All Night Long
#21/45th Reunion (2007)/Saturday #7/ The Whole Group
All the class members.
All the class members.
Mary Evans Tutton, Gene Coggshall, Roger Howe
All the class members.
All the class members.
All the class members.
All the class members.
#22/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #1/ Breakfast is Served
#23/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #2/ The Exterior of the School
#24/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #3/ The Athletic Facilities
#25/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #4/ The Interior of the School
#26/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #5/ The Interior Courtyards
The open exterior courtyard.
What used to be the open interior courtyard. It was enclosed after the Columbine incident.
What used to be the open interior courtyard. It was enclosed after the Columbine incident.
What used to be the open interior courtyard. It was enclosed after the Columbine incident.
The open exterior courtyard.
The open exterior courtyard.
The open interior courtyard is no longer open.
The open interior courtyard is no longer open.
The open interior courtyard is no longer open.
The open interior courtyard. This shows the windows where the caretakers can watch the specimens.
#27/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #6/ Signs. Signs. Everywhere Signs
#28/45th Reunion (2007)/Sunday #7/ The Principal's Office
The Principals office. Been there. Done that. Or maybe its: Done that. Therefore, been there.
The main office where the Principal lives.
The Principals area. Emmy Adler Conkin, Kathy Troy, Joe Wilson. One is the Principal. One is the Tour Guide. One is movie star. Which is which?
Principal Kathy Troy talks with Tour Guide Joe Wilson.
Principal Joe Wilson greet the tour. Kathy Troy, our guide, looks on.
#29/45th Reunion (2007)/ Special Reunion Photos
As good a photo as we could possibly get of all the class members who attended the reunion. Every person in this photo who brought a guest has exactly this same photo except they have phone lines in their photo.
Ken Blye was kind enough to produce a reunion poster showing Taughannock Falls. Everyone at the reunion received one of these posters and now have it framed and hanging in their rec room.
#30/45th Reunion (2007)/ Reunion Committee Members
#31/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #1/ Miscellaneous
The webmaster takes photos of license plates to use as introductions to trips. Here is the one for the reunion trip. It is not from his car since he is from Ohio.
The webmaster also takes photos of Welcome signs as introductions to trips. Here is the one from Ithaca. Where is it located?
The same Welcome sign. More clues as to where it is located.
#32/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #2/ Downtown Ithaca
The Purity Ice Cream sign. Probably the most famous place in the whole region, especially when the temperature approaches 90 degrees.
The Home Dairy. Some things just never change. Sometimes that is a good thing.
The Chanticleer and the State Theater. Name the people in the photo for extra credit.
Ithaca Commons. Some things never change. This one did, and for the better.
Ithaca Commons. Some old stores are still there, some are gone.
The Clinton House. It is about to fall over backwards. Or maybe thats just the perspective the camera provides.
This is a market submitted by someone who is clearly obsessed with food.
More of the market. Where is this place?
More market stuff.
This looks nice. Is it in Ithaca?
Had to visit all the high schools we attended. The old high school is now a mall. It looks the same, it just sells food instead of education.
[Carolyn Garmise] and Bob Garmises father once owned Genatts. Now it is the house of Shalimar. So its still a clothes store, just different kind of clothes.
#33/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #3/ PSP Sportswear
PSP is the company who produced the merchandise for the reunion. They are located at 245 Cherry Street and this is their facility.
[Greg] and [Kyle McGowan] were the people who worked with us to produce reunion merchandise. They did a terrific job!
This is where the embroidery is produced. The hats and golf shirts where stitched here.
The embroidery machines. This is a fairly large number of machines. Many places only have one or two.
This is the machine that puts the logos and things onto shirts and such. It can handle about 10 shirts at once.
This stuff is very cool if you havent seen it before. Next reunion, we plan to tour the facility instead of having an expensive sitdown dinner.
This machines dries the logos onto the shirts. These are not the ones we ordered, but they could be. Ours had already been produced.
#34/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #4/ Taughannock Falls
#35/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #5/ Enfield (Robert Treman)
#36/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #6/ Buttermilk
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Buttermilk Falls State Park: What better place to eat a homemade lunch from Wendys?
Buttermilk Falls State Park
#37/45th Reunion (2007)/Ithaca #7/ Sapsucker Woods
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary Trail
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary Trail
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary Trail
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary Trail
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary Trail
Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary
#38/45th Reunion (2007)/ Class Member Photos
#39/30th Reunion (1992)/
#40/25th Reunion (1987)/
#41/20th Reunion (1982)/
#42/ Tribute to Deceased Classmates
#43/ Yearbook Photos: A-D
#44/ Yearbook Photos: E-J
#45/ Yearbook Photos: K-Q
#46/ Yearbook Photos: R-V
#47/ Yearbook Photos: W-Z
#48/ Yearbook Photos: Teachers
#49/45th Reunion (2007)/ Extra Friday photos for those who just can't get enough
#50/45th Reunion (2007)/ Extra Saturday photos for those who just can't get enough (part 1)
#51/45th Reunion (2007)/ Extra Saturday photos for those who just can't get enough (part 2)
#52/45th Reunion (2007)/ Extra Sunday photos for those who just can't get enough
Group photo
Group photo featuring the backs of several people.
[Elmer Medgyaszay]
Pat George Wormley, Patty Jones Garaventa, Darlene Lynch Klein
Group photo
From the parking lot to the school.
From the parking lot to the school.
The classroom buildings around the outside courtyard.
#53/Hap Gray (2007-2011)/ On the road again
Hap on his Harley.
June 20, 2008: Hap found Curt Ley and Pat (Smith) Ley in New Hampshire at their weekend home. They also have homes for other days of the week and for significant vacations.
July 13, 2008: Hap is in the Niagara Falls area going through the phone book looking for anyone whose name is Robinson and voila! he finds Eleanor (Budd) Robinson and her husband, Paul. What a find!
July 13, 2008: Hap and Eleanor have a great time together. Hap moves in for a few weeks.
July 13, 2008: Hap is practically a member of the family. Recalling that Hap was the elected Treasurer of the Class of 1962, Ellie and Paul treat Hap like royalty.
July 13, 2008: To Haps surprise, Ellie has a motorcycle that looks exactly like his. Remember the movie Easy Rider? Ellie wasnt in it.
August 25, 2008: Hap is in downtown Columbus, Ohio and lost. Luckily for him, he runs across Bob Garmise, his wife Terri, and Haps own wife Pat who were just about to have dinner. Naturally, he joins them.
July 25, 2008: Wow! Pat Grays sister, Angela Fromny, shows up. Bob and Terris daughter, Ashley, joins them. Its party time in Columbus.